Sunday, 29 June 2008

One Down... Three to Go...

What a session... I arrived at the theatre yesterday for the world premiere of the play, full of trepidation. My mind was flying, but when John and Brian turned up all was well. Both were in high spirits - ready to give it their all. The audience - almost a full house - were assembled, and all was silent as Rob Howard's 'Drag' kicked in. As soon as Brian entered, pushing open the door impatiently, I knew we were in for a good night. Both actors were on top of their game, and there was a palpable sense that the audience was taken by both characters, being both moved and made to laugh in equal measure.

100, with which The Street Cleaner shares a bill, also had its opening night. Andy Jones made some really brave directing decisions that - coupled with five terrific performances, made for a fascinating theatrical experience. All in all, a cracking night of thought-provoking entertainment! All that is left to say is a BIG thank you to all who came to watch - I sincerely hope you enjoyed your night. And a great big thank you to both actors and crew... The job was fantastic!

And for all you unfortunate folk out there who are yet to see the play - tickets for the remaining three performances are selling fast! Don't miss out!

Saturday, 28 June 2008

Opening Night is here at last

After an intensive final dress last night, nerves are at a high as the hours pass till 7:45. The curtain will open and all eyes will be on Jimmy and Milton for the first time. As a director, my nerves are shot... I have great confidence that all the little moments and tensions will be there between the actors, but I can't help but worry about everything from the technical aspect to the audience's enjoyment of the play... It's not easy directing a new playwright's work but the challenge is well worth the stress!

Now to wait, rest, and enjoy the opening night of 'The Street Cleaner!'

Thursday, 26 June 2008

'Want a good drink... leave it to Milt'

With no rehearsal today, (it's a rest day between first and final dress rehearsal) I can't help but wonder what my actors are doing. Possibly, they are in a pub, getting inebriated and rueing the day they met their director... but hopefully not.

As the ever-demanding director, I sincerely hope they are both resting and looking over their lines and blocking... not that they need to look them over, but it can't hurt.

As for me, I'm going to bed... sad, but all this rehearsing, finding scenery, directing and being generally bossy has completely worn me out.

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

'Hats off to you'

By way of whetting your collective appetites... a new pic! Well, today was dress rehearsal and both John and Brian were in high spirits. They were, no doubt, keyed up by the fact that during tech yesterday, they produced their best ever performance. Today was no different. The energy was there, the tension palpable. We tried out a slightly different entrance for Jimmy at the start of the second scene and, not surprisingly, John relished the challenge, making the action playful and entirely his own. What was notable about Brian's performance tonight was the way he managed to strike a balance between being wearily and impatiently aggressive and yet still eminently likable. Friday is the first time John and Brian will have an audience - in the shape of fellow actors from the cast of 100. It's going to be a big test... and I know they're going to knock 'em out!

Monday, 23 June 2008

To Shave or Not To Shave - You Decide!

Ok, no rehearsal today, so time for a comic interlude: Over the last few months, I have learned that John is a bit of a whizz with photoshop. After noting that the image on the poster is, unlike Brian, that of a bearded man, he took it upon himself to have a fiddle...

We figured that - since 'Britain's Got Talent' is in town at the moment, we could 'put it to the public' and have a vote... What do you think? What image would you like to see on the poster? What do you think of male facial hair? What do you think's best; clean-shaven or unshaven? Vote now...

Sunday, 22 June 2008

'You're doing some good work now...'

Another day, another exciting rehearsal... Today, John and Brian had the good fortune of running through the entire play in the rehearsal room. For those of you who do not know the Crescent Theatre, this room roughly corresponds in terms of its shape to the actual performance space. It was also the first time Brian had a chance to enter to Rob Howard's music, and Jefferson was there to block this important start to the play. Without giving too much away... it looked superb!

Consequently, the pace and tension of the first scene was amazing. John had fun teasing out the comic potential afforded by his dialogue, while Brian's on-the-edge anger helped keep the scene emotionally taut; compared with this, the energy of the second scene seemed slightly to wane, but with a week of dress rehearsals ahead of us - and when the scene-change is smoothed out, this won't be a problem. All the boys need now is an audience... and in the short term, a well deserved rest!

Saturday, 21 June 2008

Only a Week to Go!!!

Yes... it's just a week to go till 'The Street Cleaner' goes up at the Crescent Theatre, and tickets are selling fast! No rehearsal today (both the boys and I needed a rest), so just a reminder to anyone who is planning on coming - get your tickets soon!

Box Office... 0121 643 5858

Buy Online...

And remember, after 'The Street Cleaner' you can see '100' directed by Andy Jones as well. If you want to see all four plays that make up the FourPlay Season for just £15, you can phone the box office. Now you can't get a deal like that in Edinburgh! Anyway, we're facing the prospect of another big rehearsal tomorrow, so expect another exciting installment to the blog...

Friday, 20 June 2008

'I've always been good with words'

Five rehearsals in seven days, words are coming out of John and Brian's ears... At the end of tonight's rehearsal a sense of accomplishment was felt by all, but also one of relief. Both actor's have a day off until the last rehearsal, Sunday. Their dedication and commitment throughout the rehearsal period has been amazing and should result in a truly enjoyable and memorable performance for all.

Thursday, 19 June 2008

'I like your lamp'

Today was the day when the prop search came to an end. Brian, John and I have spent a great deal of time searching and acquiring appropriate props for the play. The play doesn't require massive amounts of props but it still has taken us time to amass exactly what is needed.

Luckily, all that hard work has paid off and both actors were able to do a full 'Performance level' run-through today with all the necessary props to hand.

With the actor's focused on internalising the text, I could turn my attention to planning the scene change. With various pieces of furniture to be moved the thought struck me... will two people be enough? Only a run-through in the Studio will answer this question... in the meantime I must wait... and enjoy two more rehearsals with my cast.

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

9 Days till Kick Off!

No, I'm not referring to Euro 2008.... but to 'The Street Cleaner's' World Premiere! With only 9 days now till the big debut, today marked the final day of 'start and stop' rehearsing. (This is when the actors work on various scenes within the play, not necessarily in sequential order, to ensure all the intricacies within the text and blocking are exploited fully)

While the nearing of an opening night often causes great fear and trepidation in actors, the opposite is true of John and Brian. It is they who, today, suggested the next three rehearsals be in 'performance mode' (ie. without line calling or aid from the director or PA in any way).

This sits neatly with the increasing depth and quality both actors bring to each new rehearsal. I am constantly being blown away by their detailed movements and intuitive reactions. As they continue to learn to work more closely together, they also bring an added richness to the text and play. I can't wait to watch tomorrow's rehearsal!

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

'The Birmingham Fringe'

Checked my e-mail tonight and was greeted by an onslaught of messages from fellow FourPlay director's Andy, Kelly and Colin. All seemed equally excited about the ever-approaching opening nights.

It really is great to be part of a festival of one-acts. Whatever your theatrical tastes, FourPlay will have it. And what better way to enjoy a fringe festival than see them all on Saturday the 5th July?

Arrive at the theatre to see 'The Street Cleaner' at 2:45 followed by '100.' Enjoy dinner in a Brindley Place restaurant, then return and see 'The Lesson' and 'The Bald Primadonna' at 7:45. It's sure to be a day of theatre you won't quickly forget and with the deal of four plays for 15 pounds or two for 10, you really can't lose.

Monday, 16 June 2008

'I empty the bins and call it a day'

It was 6 pm and Brian found himself meeting me in the theatre for a planned raid on the props department. With key and trolley in hand, we entered a veritable Alladin's cave complete with old books, gin bottles, and dilapidated lamps and cushions. Whoever thought a packet of fags would find its way into a props department.... how times change.

Raid complete and costumes and props in tow, we then enjoyed the luxury of rehearsing in the performance space. It's hard to believe that in a week and a half 'The Street Cleaner' will debut.

Sunday, 15 June 2008

'Ah....What a Session'

It may be Father's Day but both my actors still agreed to spend three hours of their Sunday with me....rehearsing.

Three hours may seem an eternity to some but, I promise you, it was time well spent. After many weeks of hard work around one particularly tricky scene, a bit of new movement unlocked its challenges and saw both actors dealing with its pacey lines and subtle nuances extremely well. They raised the bar today and that bar is not going back down.

I have continued to watch the actors grow and am pleased to say that each of them has created a completely believable and multi-dimensional character. John even takes his character on the weekly wary Sainsbury's workers and customers alike...

Better news still, after having held most of our rehearsals in the dressing room or smaller committee room at the theatre, tomorrow we will be rehearsing in the Studio! This means that John and Brian will actually get to run the play in the place where it will be performed. And to top it all off, I've just had the news that we should have props tomorrow as well!

Thursday, 12 June 2008

'So this is where you drink now is it?'

After doing a complete run-through of the play, John and I stayed behind at the theatre tonight for a pint. Their really is no better way to end an evening of directing than enjoying a pint with one of your leading men.

I can't begin to explain how lucky I am to be working with such professional actors. No matter how much I ask of them, mentally and emotionally, they continue to deliver. Tonight they really threw themselves into the raw energy and emotion the play requires and, although they seemed a bit fatigued afterwards, really took the play to the next level. Little do they know what is in store for them come Sunday's rehearsal....

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

The Music Has Arrived!

I am really starting to get excited now! I've just checked my e-mail to find Rob Howard, musician from the 'Lime Chalks', has finished the original 'The Street Cleaner' soundtrack and it really does sound great! I just can't wait to play it as the audience is entering the theatre.

For those of you who haven't already purchased tickets, they are starting to sell. Ensure you call The Crescent Theatre and get the 'Four plays for 15 pounds' discount right away. An opportunity to see four immensely different plays for 15 pounds is simply unheard of and shouldn't be missed!

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

17 Days To Go!

It's 9:30 Tuesday evening and I've only just arrived home. The time and my fatigue tell me that I'm experiencing Countdown snydrome. No, I'm not referring to Carol's 17 days to go till the first performance and only a week till dress rehearsals. Needless to say I am working my two actors to the bone and, in turn, wearing myself out in the process.

But it is all for the love of the play. The rehearsals have all gone well and I've had the pleasure of watching both actors improve with each day. The depth of the two characters continues to increase and I even found myself laughing out loud in places. Although the cast and I may now be fatigued, the hard work will surely pay off come opening night.

Sunday, 8 June 2008

We Have Music! And not just any ol' music!

After a great day of rehearsing, I have returned home to learn that Rob Howard, Bristol-based musician from the band 'Lime Chalks', has written original music to be played during the play! We should be able to sample it in a few short days! To listen to the group's latest music you can visit, or click on the Lime Chalks link on the right side of this page.

With both actors now fully off-book, costumes in place and original music written specifically for this play, it is looking to be a great show! And I'm not just saying that because I'm directing it. It really is all coming together.

Thursday, 5 June 2008

'You juggled with his meat hooks'

So, for our rehearsal today, the boys were partially kitted up; John was sporting his new trousers, coat and scarf, and Brian his hat and gloves. Thus suitably attired, we began by running through the second scene. It is a challenging piece, which sees John's character Jimmy attempt to get beneath the skin of Brian's character Milton. It is one of those scenes that could very easily become too sombre or too light, but we managed to steer a path between the two extremes. The boy's task was made even trickier by the fact they were being watched by the playwright! Nevertheless, they did really well - it's great to see intuitive actors play with the possibilities of the script... and suffice it to say, Jefferson was very impressed.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

'I'm here... It's where I am'

Brian, John and I had a cracking rehearsal last night after launching a successful raid on the costume department. I won't tell you what the boys will be wearing... but in just one visit I really felt it gave a positive boost to their characters. Brian and John are now beginning to get to grips with some of the nuances of Milton and Jimmy, so I decided we needed to go back in time... back 35 years in order to test their characters with an improvisation - it did more than I could have hoped, and I think both actors returned to the text with a fresh appreciation of their characters subtleties. We have a few challenging weeks ahead of us, but I think we crossed an important bridge last night!

Sunday, 1 June 2008

We have fliers!

Today I walked into the theatre to be greeted by brown boxes containing 2,000 FourPlay fliers! I had to do a double-take as they had arrived so quickly and looked terrific!

The two images you see below are the front and back side to a folding flier with all the FourPlay productions included. A Crescent Theatre member, Matthew Banwell, volunteered to design our fliers without a fee! Within a matter of days of taking on the project he was sending them off for printing. Today I have them in my very hands! I am nearly speechless! (Anyone who knows me knows speechlessness is a rarity.)

Now on to distribution!